About Me

Hi! I am Yesrat Rahman, a full stack software enginner, specialized in front-end and back-end web development.

My Projects

Spring Food - Creator

A full stack grocery store showcasing different types of grocery items with their names, images, and prices. A user can successfully register, login, add items to cart, place an order and get order details. A manager/admin of the store can have the administrative privilege to add, update or delete products, can get user activity and purchase history.

Backend Technologies: ASP.net, C#, Microsoft SQL Server

Frontend Technologies: Angular.JS, html, CSS, Bootstrap

Backend Code Frontend Code

Personal Wallet - Creator

A full-stack web application to keep track of users daily incomes and expenses. It showcases charts and graphs to help user better understand their savings behavior.

Backend Technologies: Spring Boot, Java, Maven dependencies, JDBC template, PostgreSQL

Frontend Technologies: Angular, Typescript, HTML/CSS

Backend Code Frontend Code

Find My Paradise - Contributor

A full stack web application and a clone of Airbnb listing page. It allows users to book reservations, view possible listings and nearby attractions. Like the Airbnb page, users are allowed to schedule via a calender, get the location from a map, and view the listing's amenities. I contributed as implementing the review component of the page showing off reviews per listing with the reviewer information and ratings.

Technologies: Spring Boot, JUnit, JPA/Hibernate, Java, Maven dependencies, MySQL, VueJS, Bootstrap, HTML/CSS

Backend Code Frontend Code

Nile - Contributor

A fully deployed Amazon clone website with global header, home page which showcases different products. A user can securly register and log in to the system and view individual listing pages, can compare products, view relevent products, give reviews, ask questions, get answers, and get all the reviews. I contributed as implementing the hearder with navigation and search, home page showing products, shopping cart, and stripe payment to allow users place an order.

Technologies: Spring Boot, Java, Gradle, PostgreSQL w/ Hibernate JPA, Selenium, Jenkins, React JS, Material UI, AWS

Source Code Live Demo

Interactive 360 Virtual Tour of the Peddrew-Yates Hall: A History of Inclusion of African-American Community at Virginia Tech - Contributor

An interactive and immersive website giving users a virtual tour to the historical building, Paddrew-Yates Hall related to Virginia Tech Black Student Community to honor and showcase the history of the African-American community. Anyone who is interested in the history of Black students at VT, can go to the website and experience a virtual tour using their phones, computers, even with VR headsets.

Technologies: Aframe, WebXR, Glitch, GoPro Fusion Camera, VR player, and Studio, JavaScript, HTML/CSS

Source Code Live Demo More Details

Cat World - Creator

A web application using two third party cat APIs where anyone can search by cat’s breed and can view all the related information about that specific breed, such as alternative name, origin, weight, temperament, and some interesting facts. The user can also go to different sources to learn more about the breed they are interested in. Using the second API, I pulled the data of random pictures to allow user viewing all types of cat pictures.

Technologies: JavaScript, HTML, CSS

Source Code

Skills and Technologies

Programming Languages











Frontend and Backend Tools

Spring Boot


Vue Js





Microsoft SQL Server



Rest API



Material UI

Get In Touch

Feel free to send me an email or connect with me on LinkedIn and send me a message there!